Affiliated to CISCE Board | Affiliation No. : UP417
the hamilton academy
the hamilton academy
the hamilton academy

Registration and Admission Procedure

1- Registration

1-(a) The academic year of the school is from April to March. Admission to class NURSERY, L.K.G., U.K.G. VI and taken in March-April.
2-(b) Application to other classes will be entertained only at the instance of vacancies in that class, Which shall be announced when the session is resumed in July?
3-(c) The prospectus with registration from shall be available from the school office during the Prescribed hours.

2- Registration Does Not Guarantee Admission It Will Be Subject To Merit And Availability Of Seats


  1. A child who has completed the three years on March 31stof the year admission.
  2. Date of certificate: Birth certificate from the competent authority, such as Panchayat/ Mahanagarpalika / Nagarplika. (a) No other certificate from whatever source it be will not be accepted. (b) Date of birth once,given shall not be changed on any account whatsoever.
  3. The child to be registered must be accompanied by the parent.
  4. Stamp-size photograph to be affixed on the registration from and interview slip.
  5. Interview

    An interview of child registered for admission shall be taken on the date informed,

    (i) Children brought for interview shall be able to:
    Recognize and recite English Alphabets
    Recognize and recite Hindi Alphabets
    Recognize and count number 1-20
    Recognize colors, flowers, animals, birds, and fruits, answer question shortly and intelligently

    (ii) The interested and Availability of the parents in helping the child will be specially counted in the selection of children for admission.

  6. Application to other classes will be entered only at instant of vacancies in that particular class which will be announced when the session is resumed in July.
  7. prospectus and registration from will be available from office of the school for those classes in which vacancies are declared, during the fix hours.

  • 1 Birth certificate from the school where he student is studying.
  • 2 Date of Birth shall not be changed at any stage letter.
  • 3 Age: A student seeking admission in class VI shall have completed 10+years on March 31st.
  • 4 Stamp Size photographs of the student to be affixed on the registration from and interview slip.
  • 5 the parents of the student shall necessarily be present to submit the Registration from in school.
  • 6 Written test will be taken in English, Hindi, and Mathematic.
  • (i) Student who score minimum of 50% marks in each subject separately will be called for the interview.
  • (ii) The student selected for interview will be released on the Notice Board.
  • (iii) The following documents are required at the time of interview :
    (a) The interview slip.
    (b) the original Report Card (Mark List)of the Qualifying examination.
Admission Will Be Strictly on The Basis Of The Written Test and The Interview
  • 1. The list of the children selected for admission shall be published o the School Notice Board on the date given
  • 2. The parent shall collect the fee pay-in-slip from the school Office and deposit the first installment of the fees at the time of admission.
  • 3. Admission on the selected children shall be taken on the assigned days. Those who fail to respond shall forfeit their chance.
  • 4. Certificates and Reports: the following documents are essential at the time of admission,
    (i) TRANSFER CERTIFICATE from the school last attended,
    (ii) A Xerox copy of the mark List (Repot Card) along with the original,
    (iii) Medical fitness certificate : Performa will be given from the school after the results are declared ; the fitness must be certified by a physician in Govt. service.
  • 5. The presence of the parents of the students to be admitted is compulsory. No representation will be accepted.
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